Subject: Mailing-List Manager Template Author: Microsoft Corporation Uploaded By: KirstenM Date: 5/17/1991 File: MAILMGR.ZIP (4502 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1179 Needs: Microsoft Works Librarian note: Tested with MS Works for Windows 95/98.. Works, altho you might have to adjust sizes for some fields. ----------------- The Mailing-List Manager template has three parts: a database of names and addresses (MAILLIST.WDB); a mailing-label mail-merge document (LABELS.WPS); and a form-letter mail-merge document (FORMLTR.WPS). They will help you use the Works' integrated program to easily perform a number of common business and personal management tasks. MAILLIST.TXT is a text file that provides book contents info, system requirements, and isntructions for using the Mailing-List Manager template. ============== File Scanned with McAfee Virus Scan 3.1.6 Dat file date 03/15/99